Sign Up for a Free PD Online® Course

Bullying: Taking Charge, 2nd Edition

There’s a new sizzle to ASCD’s PD Online offerings, and it’s Reimagined!

Thank you for your interest in ASCD’s PD Online Course, “Bullying: Taking Charge, 2nd Edition.” This course is available to you for free as a demonstration of our reimagined self-paced online courses.

Our updated online courses offer more interactive, engaging, and personalized content across all devices, including iOS and tablets. Aimed at educators and administrators who need professional development while on the move, each reimagined course is a self-paced asynchronous online course that, upon completion, will give you an ASCD certificate worth up to 20 clock hours!

In this course:

Bullying is becoming a national crisis for our nation. In this course, you will learn practical tools to address, confront and prevent bullying. Through video examples, in-depth readings, and problem-solving scenarios, you’ll learn how to

  • Recognize and detect bullying.
  • Address bullying with the bully as well as the victim.
  • Discuss bullying with students through classroom activities.
  • Implement a communitywide bullying prevention program.

Sign up now for free 30-day access to ASCD’s course on taking charge of bullying. If you don’t have time to begin the course now, download and save the detailed syllabus. View the full PD Online course listing at

We invite you to learn more about how PD Online courses—along with ASCD’s other professional learning solutions—can improve instruction in your classroom, or in your entire school or district. Visit for more information.

We invite you to learn more about how PD Online courses—along with ASCD’s other professional learning solutions—can impact instruction in your classroom, or in your entire school or district. Visit for more information.

Registration for this free course offering is closed. If you have already registered, please enter your email in the form above to access your enrollment. A new sample course will be available soon. Please check back.