Total Participation Techniques
Free PD Online® Course: Total Participation Techniques
Thank you for your interest in ASCD’s PD Online Course, "Total Participation Techniques." This course is available to you for free.
This course will introduce you to practical techniques for cognitively engaging students during lessons. These include the uses of on-the-spot techniques, hold-ups, total participation techniques (TPTs) that involve movement, and TPTs for guiding and supporting students in their note taking. You will explore essential elements in building a TPT-conducive classroom, where students feel free to share with minimal risks. Finally, you will analyze the cognitive engagement that is present in a classroom lesson as you apply your new knowledge to your own teaching.
Sign up now for free 30-day access to ASCD’s course on total participation techniques. If you don’t have time to begin the course now, download and save the detailed syllabus here. View the full PD Online course listing at
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